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Showing posts from April, 2017

How Training Courses Can Be Pivotal For HR And IT?

One of the major causes why a new human resource technology fails to deliver is that there is not enough time provided for their coaching. Be it the necessary up gradation of system, the implementation of a new system or a simple transition from one platform to another, the staff will go through a whole new way of going through and doing things.  Coaching of all stakeholders: It is quite obvious to know that an implementation team and the organization are excited to celebrate their achievement and success and start using the new system, but an important matter shouldn’t be looked over here which is the coaching of all stakeholders. To avoid the risk of failed adoption, not fully adopting the new system due to major difficulties faced by the team or organization in the system deployment below are some of the points that emphasize why training courses in Dubai is significant in the implementation.  No mistakes and confusion: We all know that people ...

Train Your Team If You Don't Want To Miss The Train

The problem for organizations is not actually to train the staff and then lose them, the problem is not to train them and retain them. A team that is not well equipped when it comes to coaching and skills, what would be the level of achievements? Organizations may find it a concern to invest in training their personnel but most of them realize at a later stage that the cost of moving on with a team of untrained personnel can be gravest when compared to the former one. Many businesses that are operating here in UAE are opting for smart solutions by arranging training courses in Dubai for their management and administration so as to ensure that they are at the forefronts of these critical areas while competing. I have compiled some interesting information and facts below just to provide readers with a snapshot of how critical things are getting in the domain of training and coaching of staff in the modern day market trends: Many organization badly struggle due to the core ...